What Do the Symbols on Urns Mean? Part One
When you’re trying to find a special home for your loved one’s ashes, one thing that can guide you is the art shown on the urns. Many of the beautiful images and engravings on urns are more than just decorations, with each one holding its own unique meaning. Finding an urn symbol that speaks to you can bring you comfort in the days ahead.
If you would like some help in deciphering the symbolic meanings of urns, we’re here to help. In this guide – part one of our urn symbolism series – we’ll cover three types of urn you might like: butterfly, angel, and lily urns.
For many cultures across the world, the butterfly has been used as symbol of the human soul and immortality.
For example, in ancient Greece, the word “psyche” was used to refer to both the butterfly and the soul. With their fleeting beauty, it’s perhaps no wonder that in many European cultures white butterflies were seen as the souls of children. In Mesoamerican culture, however, butterflies were thought to be the souls of dead warriors, charged with helping the sun move through the heavens.
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